
GSA Bonds webinar + template


  1. what's the cost of the GSA webinar

  2. Brother i am trying to place a order, its not allowing me t o checkout, im not zble to utilize my meth8d of payment, can you help me?

  3. There needs to be more in the description. GSA Bonds... Prison Bonds? Muni Bonds? Court Bonds? How to Obtain Them? What is the DTCC in NYC, NY? How to Void them? How to use them as Proof in a Court Room setting? What these do if you are jammed up? What they won't do? Is it a way of checking on pending charges and how to deflect? CAFR Retirement Funds/Bonds? SF Form 24, 24A, 25, (many MORE of course) OF 90 and 91... am I on the right track? Oh, as of 04/30/2016, it appears the price is $70. A bargain if it has all the answers and more to the above questions. Gene Keating to present?

  4. Please send your contact my name is Miss Gomez thanks.

  5. will the GSA bonds, court bond help me get someone that has been sentenced out of federal prison. will the templates show me the exact steps to file these bonds?
