
The trust 9 billion dollar lean on strawman webinar -$325

The trust 9 billion dollar lien on strawman webinar- with documents


  1. I am trying to purchase the webinar but it won't allow me to purchase, button isn't working..

  2. Same here, I hot the buy button and get a check mark but no submit button?

  3. same here tried to buy tickets couple days ago wouldnt allow me, must be a sign

  4. Hello, I'm also trying to order it but can't

  5. Not trying to steer anyone from here, but what you do is get a certified copy of you birth certificate, get it authenticated by the Department of State in DC, once you get it back do a ucc-1 an follow the instructions on how to put a lien on the straw man birth certificate at whatever price you please, but don't go all crazy with it, if need help call me at 2672575174, I do not take donations or any form of monetary, just doing the work of God for free, this is not legal advice but educational purposes, God bless ya.
