
98 declaration of trust webinar + templates pt2


  1. Do the bundle include 98 declaration of trust webinar pt1 and pt2?

  2. Im also confused but on careful observation of the nuances I think the Trust Bundle includes the 98 declaration of trust pt.1, 2 & 3
    Also It appears that the NON-UCC webinar is the same as the 98 Declaration pt.1 webinar
    I bought the Trust bundle & just spent over 3 hrs. downloading & reviewing the files in order to give them proper Title & Sequence & Im still not completely sure but thats the best I can tell so would be rill nice to get them labeled consistently. On careful review of the timestamps & other nuances it also appears that pt.1 was on saturday March 17 2018, and pt. 2 says Sunday 2018 so probably was from March 18th & then pt. 3 was on sat. May 5th 2020 & pt.4 which does NOT come in the bundle (I purchased pt.4)is dated Sat. August 15 2020, so they do appear to be chronological.

  3. SORRY FOR DUPLICATES!! ALL I DID WAS HIT BACK BUTTON ON SAFARI BROWSER A COUPLE TIMES - and then I realized that it was posting a duplicate all by itself every time I hit the back button and theres no way to delete...
